Recoloring Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs)





My graduation thesis, supervised by Professor Lin Gao at the Institute of Computing Technology, CAS, focuses on using a modified NeRF model for scene reconstruction and novel view synthesis. The project integrates HSL color decomposition with voxel grid representation, explicitly assigning hue values to each voxel, which allows for direct recoloring of the trained scene with high precision and minimal artifacts. Utilizing TensoRF as the backbone, the model achieves high reconstruction speed. This work was recognized as an Outstanding Thesis during the defense.


GitHub - JosephQiu21/UCAS-OSKernel: A minimal multi-tasking OS kernel for RISC-V.

A Unix-like operating system running on a Xilinx PYNQ board with a dual-core Rocket chip. UCAS-OS boots from an SD card and includes support for virtual memory and page management. It also supports TCP packet sending and receiving through a NIC driver and features a file system on the SD card.

LoongArch CPU

GitHub - JosephQiu21/LoongArchCPU: A LoongArch pipeline CPU. Project of Computer Architecture Lab @UCAS.

A 5-stage sequential LoongArch CPU built with Verilog. This CPU supports privileged instructions and CSR and includes an integrated SRAM-AXI bridge.


GitHub - JosephQiu21/Gitlet: A version-control system that mimics some of the basic features of the popular system Git. Final project of CS61B (Data Structures) @UC Berkeley. Details of this project will be updated soon.

A version-control system that mimics some of the basic features of Git. Gitlet supports committing, checking out, branching, merging, and managing remote repositories.